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    Dr. Mark Melin from M Health Fairview Wound Healing Institute discusses the role of the endothelial glycocalyx and its significance…
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    Just say NO to diuretics!

    February 15, 2024
    Dr. Zoe Deol discusses the role of diuretics in patients with leg swelling and how patients with lymphedema may benefit…
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    Early Lymphedema Detection is Key

    December 27, 2022 | Cancer-related lymphedema
    Dr. Bednarski discusses lesser-known symptoms of lymphedema – heaviness, decreased range of motion, tight rings and clothing. Her standard of…
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    Lymphedema therapist becomes a lymphedema patient

    April 23, 2021 | Cancer-related lymphedema
    As a traveling lymphedema therapist, Allison was familiar with at-home pump therapies to treat the extremities. She didn’t learn about…
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    Dr. Suman Wasan discusses what she watches for and her approach to evaluating patients for CVI and lymphedema.
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    Revised Starling Principle

    May 22, 2019 | Lymphedema basics
    Dr. Stanley Rockson discusses the original thinking behind the Starling Principle and what we now know about peripheral edema and…
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    Improving patient outcomes

    April 04, 2019 | Diagnostics and treatment
    Dr. Zoe Deol of the Center for Vein Restoration shares what drives her passion about her lymphedema patients.
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    Lipedema: common, devastating, and often overlooked

    January 15, 2019 | Lipedema/Fat disorders
    Lipedema is often confused with obesity, even by doctors. Dr. Thomas Wright discusses diagnosis, treatment, and the lymphatic connection.
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    Looking at the full picture

    November 12, 2018 | Venous-related and primary lymphedema
    Vein Specialist Dr. Vinjay Satwah explains why, when evaluating patients with CVI, it’s important to not just look at the…
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    Empower patients to care for themselves at home

    October 06, 2018 | Diagnostics and treatment, Lymphedema basics
    Dr. Karen Herbst discusses what she looks for when prescribing an at-home pump therapy for her patients.
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    My patients love their pump

    October 06, 2018 | Lymphedema basics
    Dr. Karen Herbst shares why many of her patients tell her they love their pump.
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    Cost-effectiveness of using a pump

    October 06, 2018 | Lymphedema basics
    Dr. Karen Herbst describes why using at-home pump therapy makes good economic sense.
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    Tactile Medical product specialist involvement

    October 06, 2018 | Lymphedema basics
    Dr. Karen Herbst shares how Tactile Medical reps support her busy practice and her patients.
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    Getting comfortable ordering a pump

    October 06, 2018 | Lymphedema basics
    Dr. Karen Herbst talks about how easy it is to order a pump.
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    Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema

    October 04, 2018 | Cancer-related lymphedema
    An estimated 40% of breast cancer survivors acquire lymphedema following surgery and/or radiation therapy. Once acquired, multiple studies attest to…
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    Treating Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema

    October 04, 2018 | Cancer-related lymphedema
    Dr. Donald W. Buck of Washington University St. Louis School of Medicine describes how early detection, treatment and education are…
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