A Patient Guide to Understanding and Managing Chronic Swelling

patient guide to understanding and managing chronic swelling article thumbnail
patient guide to understanding and managing chronic swelling article thumbnail

At Tactile Medical, we make it our mission to empower patients with education and tools to better care for their chronic conditions at home. We hope this lymphedema patient guide will be beneficial in your lymphedema education.

What is Chronic Swelling?

As a normal part of your blood circulation, your vascular system leaks fluid into the surrounding tissues. Your body’s lymphatic system is responsible for collection of this fluid. Edema, or swelling, occurs when an abnormal buildup of fluid occurs in the body. Mild, temporary edema can be caused by many factors, but lasting edema may be a sign of a more serious underlying medical condition.

We invite you to download “A Patient Guide to Understanding and Managing Chronic Swelling” today.