Types of Specialists you Might See for Swelling

Types of Specialists you might see for swelling
Types of Specialists you might see for swelling

While seeing your primary care physician about your swelling is a good first step, at a certain point some people need to see a specialist for a diagnosis or coordinated care. Depending on your condition, the type of specialist you see will vary.

Vascular Specialist

If you’ve had swelling in your legs for three months or more, and your swelling is accompanied by changes in your skin texture or appearance, you may be referred to a vascular specialist. This provider can give or verify your diagnosis and get you on track with the right therapy for your condition.

Certified Lymphedema Therapist

Lymphedema treatment is most effective when started early. If you suspect lymphedema, ask for a referral to a Certified Lymphedema Therapist (CLT) to help you manage the condition before serious complications occur.

Wound Care Specialist

If your swelling is accompanied by frequent cuts or breaks in your skin, and you have a currently open, chronic wound, you may be referred by your physician to a wound care specialist. A wound care specialist can help you find ways to care for your skin and tissue to prevent lasting damage.