Flexitouch – Can Truncal Edema be Treated with Pneumatic Compression?

Author: Tina Hammond, PTA, CLT-LANA

PublishedNational Lymphedema Network’s LymphLink. 2009; Vol. 21(2)


A 44-year-old female patient received complete decongestive therapy (CDT) with utilization of an advanced programmable pneumatic compression device (PCD) during in-clinic and home maintenance phases to treat her truncal and lower extremity lymphedema. For the past two years, the patient has continued to effectively control her lymphedema utilizing the advanced PCD with truncal appliance, in addition to exercise and daily garment wear. She modifies her treatment regime as needed with supplemental device programs used to target specific areas. These options are available using the programmable components of the PCD. She has required no additional in-clinic treatment for complications of lymphedema since initiating treatment with the advanced PCD.