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Entre FAQ

If your therapy system isn’t performing as it should, please run a treatment to identify a solution below.

Controller unit does not function, and no lights are blinking.

  • Confirm that the power adapter is fully inserted in the back of the controller unit and a functioning wall outlet. A green light will illuminate on the power adapter if both are functioning.
  • Press the ON/OFF button.

Controller unit does not function, and all lights are blinking.

The controller unit detected the system’s pressure is too high, mostly likely due to kinked tubing.

  • Power down the device and wait 5 minutes. If able, disconnect the garment from the controller unit and reconnect.
  • Please ensure that you are laying as flat as possible with the treated extremity elevated. Check to make sure tubing is not kinked or pinched.
  • Power up the device by pressing ON/OFF button.
  • Restart the therapy session by pressing START/PAUSE button.
  • Do not stand on garment during treatment.

Controller unit does not function and the LOW pressure light blinking

The controller unit was unable to produce or maintain pressure in any of the garment chambers.

Please check that the connection to the controller and make sure they are tight. Verify that the white arrow latches are on top of the of the hose and that 2 “clicks” are heard when connecting the hose to the controller.

Controller unit does not function and HIGH blinking

The controller unit was unable to fill a specific garment chamber.

  • Power down the device. Power up the device by pressing the ON/OFF button. Restart the therapy session by pressing the START/PAUSE BUTTON.

**If using both upper and lower extremity garments, please connect each garment separately to determine what garment is leading to this error

Controller unit does not function and MEDIUM light blinking

The controller unit was unable to release pressure from the system.

  • Power down the device. If able, disconnect the garment from the controller unit and then reconnect again.
  • Power up the device by pressing the ON/OFF button. Restart the therapy session by pressing the START/PAUSE BUTTON.

If the error continues, please take off the garment, run a treatment to confirm the error.

**If using both upper and lower extremity garments, please connect each garment separately to determine what garment is leading to this error.

Controller unit does not function and HIGH and MEDIUM light blinking

The controller unit detected an issue during self-test.

  • Power down the device. Power up the device by pressing the ON/OFF button. Restart the therapy session by pressing the START/PAUSE BUTTON.
  • If the error continues, please call Customer Service.

**If using both upper and lower extremity garments, please connect each garment separately to determine what garment is leading to this error.

Controller unit does not function and MEDIUM and LOW light blinking

Please confirm that the power adapter is the one supplied by Tactile Medical. If not, please call Customer Service.

I cannot change the pressure setting.

Once you start a treatment, you cannot change the pressure setting unless:

  • The treatment session has completed
  • The treatment has been paused
  • The ON/OFF button is pressed

To change the pressure setting while a therapy session is in progress, first press the START/PAUSE button. Then settings may be adjusted by pressing the PRESSURE button.

The garment chambers do not fill with air.

  • Verify the ON/OFF and START/PAUSE buttons have been pressed. A green light will illuminate when the START/PAUSE button is pressed.
  • Verify that all connectors are attached properly. You should hear 2 “clicks” from the latches when correctly attached.
  • Only use the “Y” connector when you are using both garments.
  • If the chambers still do not fill, turn the machine off, detach from the connectors and turn the machine ON again.
  • Feel for air coming out of the of the controller unit, reconnect the hose.
  • Press the START/PAUSE button to begin a treatment.

**If using both upper and lower extremity garments, please connect each garment separately to determine what garment is leading to this error.

My garment pressures are higher or lower than expected.

  • Verify that the correct pressure has been selected.
  • Adjust the fit of the garment, ensuring no folds or kinks in the fabric. Best practice is that garments are snug to the body, but two fingers can be inserted between the fabric and body. Check to be sure the latches are firmly connected. You should hear 2 “clicks” when correctly attached.

My garment remains inflated.

It is normal for a small amount of air to remain in the chambers between inflations. Your garment may appear “puffy” because of this. If your chambers remain fully inflated:

  • Press the ON/OFF button twice quickly (ON,OFF,ON,OFF) to allow for another deflation cycle.
  • Ensure that tubing is not kinked or pinched.
  • Disconnect the connectors and the chambers should deflate.

My controller unit runs longer than expected.

A therapy session will last approximately 60 minutes. If the session lasts longer than 60 minutes, please call Customer Service.

My zipper is broken or disconnected from my garment.

Please call Customer Service for assistance.

None of the buttons are functioning.

  • Power down the device. Power up the device by pressing the ON/OFF button.
  • Please call Customer Service for assistance.

My controller unit is making an abnormal noise.

  • Stop the treatment session by pressing the START/PAUSE button.
  • Verify the noise has stopped.
  • Restart the treatment by pressing the START/PAUSE button.
  • If the noise continues, contact Customer Service.

*If your issue or error continues, please call Customer Service for further assistance. Before calling, please run a full treatment on your controller unit without applying the garments.

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